Saturday, September 15, 2007

Introduction: CLTD

I am a returning vegan after a three year sabbatical during which I married my Texan husband who turned me from my devout vegetarian ways and tempted me with antelope and strawberry glaze during our engagement dinner. I am an A+ blood type relying heavily on raw vegetables for my protein and much dedicated to the freshest possible produce to sustain my dietary needs.

Running track and playing basketball while maintaining a lacto-ovo free and meatless diet kept me in shape and fit in high school. Early college years were not as rigid in exercise routine and my veganism fell by the wayside after returning to the United States after living in Japan for three years. Fast forward five years and a recent doctor's visit found me over my body mass index (BMI). Aghast and horrified to be classified as "overweight", yet knowing it to be the truth, drove me to reclaim my health and longevity in better dietary standards and a routine exercise regimen. Now swimming twice a week and getting back into running and yoga, I am opening my mind to ideas that have evolved while I was out of the all-natural scene, including the thrive diet, the raw foods detox diet, blood type diet, as well as newer developments in vegetarianism that will help me adapt to a healthier me.

I am about as new as they come for the "green" ideals, but quickly gaining ground for lost time and bad decisions. Our home has recently has switched to all natural, biodegradable cleaners whilst trading out the toxicity that once reigned in our home. Fluoride-free toothpaste and aluminum-free deodorant are the new indicators of our strong dedication to our health as well as talking pieces when we are confronted by our friends. Searching out local co-ops and organic farmers have given us new understanding on sustainability and reducing carbon waste. Each day gives us new resources and new ideas that we are just bursting to share. Stop by our blog often and comment freely... we look forward to hearing from you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We look forward to sharing thoughts and ideas with you both as we journey to live a life closer to how our Maker intended, providing a healthier and safer world for us & our future generations. =)

Tiffany & Lou Fernandez